5 Restaurants with Tasting Menus in Santiago de Compostela

There are not many restaurants offering tasting menus in Santiago de Compostela.

And among those that do, I haven’t had the pleasure of trying them all, but I have tried the ones presented below.

Here are the 5 tasting menus that I like the most in Santiago de Compostela:

1 – Lume, de Lucía Freitas (Michelin-starred)

The best of all I have tried in Santiago de Compostela.

When I went, we had a 7-course tasting menu.

They offer two options for the tasting menu:

  • Short tasting menu (€35), 5 courses
  • Long tasting menu (€45), 7 courses

The menu at this restaurant is a true experience. The waiters explain each dish and how to eat it to enjoy it as Chef Lucía Freitas intended.

A nice detail that stands out is that the kitchen is completely open, and you can see how they prepare the dishes at all times.

The order and cleanliness they maintain are impressive.

The cuisine and ingredients are inspired by Galician gastronomy, though they also feature dishes from more national or international cuisines.

The food was fantastic, including the dessert, which was also delicious.

2 – O Sendeiro

Undoubtedly, the most abundant tasting menu I have ever had; it almost required rolling me out of there.

This menu includes 9 generous dishes, and the price is very reasonable at €50.

The entire menu is inspired by and skillfully works with traditional Galician cuisine.

Like Lume, each dish comes with an explanation of how it should be eaten to enjoy it in its perfect measure.

Among the dishes, there are two fantastic desserts.

If you visit this great restaurant, it’s best to come hungry.

3 – O Anaco “a mesa posta”

The tasting menu at O Anaco is called “A mesa posta,” which translates to “The table set” (easy, right?).

This menu features many delicious dishes, specifically 10 dishes of authentic haute cuisine, for just 45.

Among these 10 dishes, there are two delightful desserts.

A downside is that the portions are quite small; it’s not that you’ll leave hungry because there are many dishes… but almost.

If you have a big appetite, this might not be the best menu for you.

4 – Casa Marcelo (Michelin-starred)

One of the most well-known and iconic restaurants in Santiago de Compostela, located just a few meters from the Cathedral, and the first to receive a Michelin star in the city.

The tasting menu costs 70 and consists of 6 dishes and 2 desserts. The portions are not very large but are very flavorful.

The venue is undoubtedly the most beautiful of those listed in this post, with very traditional “enxebre” decor but with a style that almost evokes the futuristic. It’s worth noting that it is a bit dark.

You can see the kitchen, and the cleanliness of the kitchen each night when they close is impressive.

Negatives include that it is not the most abundant menu, although it is the most expensive, and the space between diners (depending on where you sit) is quite small, which can sometimes cause some discomfort.

5 – Filigrana (A quinta da auga)

menu degustacion filigrana en santiago de compostela

Although on the pricey side, the food is very abundant and very tasty.

On the downside, the long wait between dishes, combined with the number of dishes, can make the meal last several hours.

The presentation is very meticulous, and the restaurant is formal with lots of cutlery, resembling a gala wedding.

As it has been quite some time since I went, I cannot confirm the current price or number of dishes.

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